Dental Implants

Our Clinic has one of the finest Dental implants set up in India. We have the most advanced infrastructure, equipment, biomaterials, sterilization protocol, skilled Implantologist supported by dedicated digital diagnostic and lab setup, which enable us to perform Dental Implant procedure more predictable, painless, and successful. We are pioneers in many advanced procedures in the field of Dental Implants inMohali & surroundings and serving the society for over a decade now. We have been at the forefront of this remarkable revolution. We provide quality dental services that bring the confidence back into your smile with proven methods and least possible inconvenience. 

What are Dental Implants

Dental implants are the closest you can get to a healthy & natural tooth. Dental implants are titanium inserts that take place in tooth roots and get firmly fixed into the jawbone on which a fixed or removable false tooth (prosthesis) can be attached to look and function like a natural tooth. This procedure is considered one of the most successful treatment modalities in medical science. If done properly, it may have a success rate of up to 98.5% that includes extreme conditions too.

Modern dental implants have been used successfully for over 50 years across the globe. They are considered as the strongest devices available to support replacement teeth – and even better, they allow these new teeth to feel, look, and function like real tooth.